Maintain your garden neatly with care.
- Weed control on pathways and common work areas belongs to everyone. Please maintain the paths around your bed, pulling weeds or adding wood chips as needed.
- Do not use non-organic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
- Be considerate of your neighboring gardeners when planting tall crops, and avoid shading other beds.
- Garden weeds and other plant waste should be placed in the compost area provided by the garden.
- Temporary structures for height or hothouse plants are allowed.
Tires are not allowed on site (e.g., planters).
Health & Safety Issues and Common Courtesies
- Pick only crops from your own plot.
- Excess food can be shared with neighbors, food pantries, shelters, etc. Special flags are available to place in your bed if you will be gone, and wish to donate any ripe produce to local food banks or similar organizations. During the harvest season, volunteers will collect flagged produce from all plots to be donated to local food banks.
- Please feel free to share your skills and know-how when situations arise for you to do so.
- Conserve water and remember to turn off the hoses and replace them when you are done using them.
- Keep trash and litter out of the garden and disposed of at home.
- Contribute to keeping the garden a space safe – i.e. replace tools and coil hoses when you are done. Please remember to lock the gates and the tool shed.
- Children are welcome at the garden, but please supervise them at all times while you are in the garden.
- Smoking and loud noises (e.g., radios without headphones) are prohibited at the garden.
The Port-A-Potty is for your convenience. Please be respectful of all who use it and keep it clean!