Class Presentation Slides are available here:
Sustainable Gardening PDF 2019
Washington State University Extension Gardening Resources Snohomish Conservation District
Sourcing free materials for your garden:
Community Garden Experts:
Terry Myer-Project Coordinator, Resource Management
Where to source your repurposed/recycled materials:
Used for tomatoes and heat loving plants
Brick & Mortar: Tire Stores
Online Sourcing: Craig’s List, Buy Nothing, Freecycle,
To degrease the tires I use dish soap, water and scrub them inside and out. Rinse well and paint if you prefer for aesthetics.
Box Springs–
Used for climbing plants and raised bed forms.
Brick & Mortar: Mattress Stores, local garage sales
Online Sourcing: Craig’s List, Buy Nothing, Freecycle
Wear gloves to remove old fabric. Use wood form only box springs as raised beds. Finish using scrap wood. Use metal box springs for climbers. Attach vertically or horizontally to raised bed with screws to stabilize.
Wood Chips–
Used for natural weed suppression, improved soil health, mulch, water conservation.
Chip drop is an easy online service where you will sign up to receive wood chips. This is a service and is in no way a guarantee you will receive your chips in the time you’d prefer. Chips are free and come in loads of 4-15 yards. Make sure to clear a large area for your delivery. Don’t receive a drop in 28 days? Be sure to sign up again.
Online Sourcing:
Chip Drop
Brick & Mortar:
Lenz Enterprises, Pacific Topsoil, local arborists.
Used under the wood chips for natural weed suppression and no-till gardening
Brick & Mortar:
Appliance Stores, Ace Hardware, Buy Nothing, ask your neighbors to raid their recycle bins
Cinderblocks, pavers–
Used to create raised beds
Online Sourcing:
Craigs List, Buy Nothing, Free Cycle
Brick & Mortar: Local home improvement stores. Ace Hardware, Lowe’s, Home Depot.
Rain barrels–
Used for water conservation.
Brick & Mortar:
Snohomish Conservation District
Seeds/Starts– Always Needed! Contact us if you’d like to donate!
Compost: Scroll down for a complete share list.
Visit with Valhalla Farms in Stanwood. 760.867.5643 Speak with Josh by phone or text. He can load your truck using his tractor for easy access. Make your own or buy local. For purchase, we recommend
Lenz Enterprises, located in Stanwood, Washington.
Egg Shells-Used to add calcium in the tomato beds
Brick & Mortar Sourcing:
Your kitchen, Local Farms, Neighbors,
Online Sourcing:
Buy Nothing, Freecycle
Coffee Grounds–
Soil Amendment to add nitrogen to your soil
Brick & Mortar Sourcing:
McDonalds, Starbucks, local baristas, just ask!
Lumber and hardware
Used for building raised beds
Brick & Mortar Sourcing
Local lumber yards, Home Improvement Stores, Ace Hardware, Home Depot, Lowe’s Online Sourcing: